


You go to summer English class in a London. Please use English to write a letter of your English teacher. Points are as follows:
1, you will reach your school has more than a week.
2, London is a kind of city, the weather.
3 do you study at school.
Four, you probably classmates.
5 and your feelings to your school.
According to Chinese hints to write a short essay (not less than 80 words).
If you are, you live in Blue'm Moon City, after years of changing the Blue Moon, great changes have taken place in City traffic convenient, no pollution, air is fresh, no noise, this change of airport which brings benefit and caused a lot of trouble...
This project involves the application of sensors, sensor is a kind of test device, can feel was measured, and the information can be felt by the information, inspection rule must be required or other signal transform information output, in order to satisfy the information transmission, processing, storage, display, record and control, etc. It is the realization of automatic detection and automatic control of the first step. Can use different views to the conversion principle: classification, They use, Their output signal types and their material and technology, etc.

This project involves the application of sensor. Sensor is a detector, which can feel the measured information and transform the information into electrical signal or other required form according to certain discipline, then putout the information,in order to meet the needs of transmission、processing、storage、 presentation、record and control of the information. It is the most important link for realizing automatic detection and automatic control. We can classify sensors with different point of views: their transduction principle, their function, their output signal type as well as the materials and technique that produce them, etc

本项目涉及到传感器的应用,传感器是一种检测装置,能感受到被测量的信息,并能将检测感受到的信息,按一定规律变换成为电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储、显示、记录和控制等要求.This pro...

应该是;Along with housing reform of continuously deepen and real estate market of continuously prosperous, the thing industry manages service profession to develop in economy and society in of the position is outstanding day by day, for beautify city image, improvement residents' living environment, set up harmonious communities to all develop a count for much function.However, the thing industry management is a newly arisen service profession, in its development process, regardless from the cognition and is accepted a degree, all continuously expose a some problems and antinomy 吧!