九年级英语课程练习Revision Module A 七题翻译


九年级英语课程练习Revision Module A 七题翻译

Recently I have carried out a survey among 578 students from a boarding school about how they go home at the weekend.
As is shown in the pie chart, 45% of the students' parents drive their cars to pick up their children, because it is the quickest way to get home. Besides, 30% of the students take the school bus home, saying that they don't want to occupy their parents' valuable time. In addition, 15% stay at school over the weekend in order to save more time for their studies. However, considering the advantages of avoiding traffic jams and keeping healthy, 10% choose to go home by bike.
In my opinion, riding a bike home is my choice as it is low - carbon as well as energy -saving.


M1:How to learn English? U1:Try not to translate every word. U2:Please help me.
M2:Experiences U1:Have you ever entered a competition?
U2:Wei Ming has been all over China by piane.