I () with my brother on foot every day.提示:h开头的单词.Mom asks me to go out with her ()提示:t开头的单词.Jack () wants to be a dancer like Michael Jackson.提示:a开头的单词Tom wants to ()some cakes for his mother.提示:这个单词是make的适当形式.


I () with my brother on foot every day.提示:h开头的单词.Mom asks me to go out with her ()
Jack () wants to be a dancer like Michael Jackson.提示:a开头的单词
Tom wants to ()some cakes for his mother.提示:这个单词是make的适当形式.

hike with sb 和某人徒步旅行 答案 hike
together 一起
always 总是
want to加动词原型 答案make