英语翻译其中前往杨箕方向的列车几乎每车爆满,而一般乘客需要等候两到三次列车才能上车.傍晚时分,客流量更大.下午6时30分,一号线所有站点停止入站5分钟,一些准备入站的乘客见状改乘公交车,站内客流量才一度下降.其中列车指的是地铁 用什么单词准确呢 整句都要翻译啊


其中列车指的是地铁 用什么单词准确呢 整句都要翻译啊

Which went Yang dustpan-shaped vessel direction of train almost every car full, and usually passengers need to wait for two to three times to get on the train. In the evening, passenger is bigger. 6 p.m. on 30 points, no.1 all site stop inbound 5 minutes, some preparation inbound passengers boarding the bus and stood within looked at only once decline. Passenger


all the subways directed to Yanqi are full of crowds.generally speaking,passengers can't board on train till the next 2nd or 3rd train come.especially when it is toward evening,the passenger flow is r...