tap的释义Also leading the way are blue-chip brands including BMW,McDonald's and Proctor & Gamble,companies that are experimenting with mobile-marketing campaigns to find cost-effective ways to tap the medium.这里tap the medium中的tap作何解释?


Also leading the way are blue-chip brands including BMW,McDonald's and Proctor & Gamble,companies that are experimenting with mobile-marketing campaigns to find cost-effective ways to tap the medium.
这里tap the medium中的tap作何解释?

not mean

同时像BMW,McDonald's和Proctor & Gamble等大品牌,这些公司现在正在尝试进军/占领手机市场,以便能找到一条有成本效益的方法以适应中产阶级的需求.TAP有选择,指定的意思.是指定中产阶级的产品.