改错,请把改正后的句子写出来(1)The students must listened to the teacher carefully.(2)We mustn't talk loud at the cinema.(3)They saw a fire and shouted help.(4)He lost his wallet in his way home.(5)Now,there are three subwaies in our city.(6)There are lot of cars and people,too.英语五年级下册每日一练第四课第六题的


(1)The students must listened to the teacher carefully.
(2)We mustn't talk loud at the cinema.
(3)They saw a fire and shouted help.
(4)He lost his wallet in his way home.
(5)Now,there are three subwaies in our city.
(6)There are lot of cars and people,too.

(1)The students must listen(must 加 动词原形) to the teacher carefully.
(2)We mustn't talk loudly(说话大声用loudly) at the cinema.
(3)They saw a fire and shouted for (要有介词)help.
(4)He lost his wallet on(在什么的什么的路上用on) his way home.
(5)Now,there are three subways(地铁的复数直接加s) in our city.
(6)There are a lot(或不加a在这里加s) of cars and people,too.
lots of 与 a lot of 意思相同.可以互换.