英语翻译()My twin sister Ann likes drawing picture and making kites.()I am happy to have a new pen pal.()Tell me something about you:What's your hobby?(1)Dear Liu Yun,()I like swimming,diving,and riding my bike.()I live in Australia.()But we don't like the same thing.()I like sports,but she like art.(10)Your new pen pal,Alice()We look the same.分会补充


()My twin sister Ann likes drawing picture and making kites.
()I am happy to have a new pen pal.
()Tell me something about you:What's your hobby?
(1)Dear Liu Yun,
()I like swimming,diving,and riding my bike.
()I live in Australia.
()But we don't like the same thing.
()I like sports,but she like art.
(10)Your new pen pal,Alice
()We look the same.

Dear Liu Yun,亲爱的刘云,
I am happy to have a new pen pal.我很高兴能拥有一个笔友。
I live in Australia.我住在澳大利亚。
I like swimming,diving,and riding my bike.我喜欢游泳、潜水以及骑自行车。
My twin sister Ann likes drawing picture and making kites.我的孪生姐妹安喜欢画画和制作风筝。
I like sports,but she like art.我喜欢体育运动但她喜欢艺术。
We look the same. 我们看上去一模一样。
But we don't like the same thing.但是我们喜欢的东西却不相同。
Tell me something about you:What's your hobby?能告诉我一些你的事情吗,比如你的业余爱好是什么?

Your new pen pal,Alice你的新笔友,爱丽丝

Dear Liu Yun,亲爱的刘云I am happy to have a new pen pal.很高兴有了新的笔友I live in Australia.我住在澳大利亚I like swimming,diving,and riding my bike.我喜欢游泳,潜水,骑自行车My twin sister Ann likes d...