情景英语对话,请根据答句写出问句.B:Yes,I did.I went to the park by myself.B:I went to the park yesterday.B:I went there by bus.B:I took many photos and had a long walk.B:I went home at 5:00 pm.


B:Yes,I did.I went to the park by myself.
B:I went to the park yesterday.
B:I went there by bus.
B:I took many photos and had a long walk.
B:I went home at 5:00 pm.

A:Did you go to the park?
A:Where did you go yesterday?
A:How did you go there?
A:What did you do?
A:When did you go home?

Did you go to the park?
When did you go to the park?
How did you go there?
What did you do?
What time did you go home?