英语翻译本论文是通过对德彪西钢琴曲中《pour le piano》的表现技法的分析,研究其音乐的特征与独创的作曲技法,提出德彪西曲目演奏时的理论方向,以帮助演奏者成功地演奏出作曲家的作曲意图作为(本文研究的)目标.


本论文是通过对德彪西钢琴曲中《pour le piano》的表现技法的分析,研究其音乐的特征与独创的作曲技法,提出德彪西曲目演奏时的理论方向,以帮助演奏者成功地演奏出作曲家的作曲意图作为(本文研究的)目标.

This essay aims to study the characteristics of the music and the unique technique of composing through the analysis of the way of playing "Pour Le Piano" by (), also it brings out the direction of the theory when playing this piece in order to help players to play out the hidden meaning within the music when written by the composer.

The present paper is through of Debussy's piano in the piano "pour le expressional ability, the paper studies the music and features of the original composition techniques, proposed Debussy repertoire play theory direction, to help players successfully play the composer of composing intentions as (of this study) goals.
