英语翻译78.As a consequence,it may be prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated ,or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.先翻译中文,然后句子结构分析:找出主谓宾,然后把主语的修饰成分用括号括起来。大概是这样的。恩恩


78.As a consequence,it may be prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated ,or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.

As a consequence, to establish (for a successful revolution) a comprehensive and trustworthy picture (of those who participated), or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents, may be prove difficult or impossible.
这样的语序是不是比较容易理解呢 ^^
整个句子是主系表结构。主语是两个to引导的分句,it是形式主语,系动词是may be prove,表语是difficult or impossible.

to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated 和to answer even the most basic questions one might pose这两部分是并列的
may be prove是谓语部分
difficult or impossible 有点类似主系表结构中的表语

1)it may be prove difficult or impossible 这是主句,系表结构;2)it是引导词,引导后面两个动词不定式to stablish和 to answer3)to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy pic...