八年级英语补全对话Tina:Hello _________________________?Ann:Hello This is Ann speaking.______________________?Tina:This is Tina,your penfriend.I’m just in your city now.Ann:Wow,terrific Hope to meet you at once.Tina:Me,too.________________________?Ann:How about the City Square?Tina:Good idea But ______________________________?Ann:Well,first walk along Dalin Road and take the first turning on the right.The square is about 50 metres along on your right.Tina:That’


Tina:Hello _________________________?
Ann:Hello This is Ann speaking.______________________?
Tina:This is Tina,your penfriend.I’m just in your city now.
Ann:Wow,terrific Hope to meet you at once.
Ann:How about the City Square?
Tina:Good idea But ______________________________?
Ann:Well,first walk along Dalin Road and take the first turning on the right.The square is about 50 metres along on your right.
Tina:That’s easy.I’ll be there soon.
Ann:OK.I’m there waiting for you.See you later.

Can I talk to Ann?
Who is it?
Where are you going to meet?
Can you tell me which is the way to City Square?
See you