英语翻译我们班级由45位同学组成,期中30名为男生.(be made up of)随着经济的发展,上海人民的生活正在日益改善.(improve)巴西足球被认为是世界上最好的足球队之一.(regard)这些报纸与杂志不可带出阅览室.(take)


我们班级由45位同学组成,期中30名为男生.(be made up of)

Our class by 45 students composition, the mid-term 30 boys called. Made up of business ()
With the development of economy, the Shanghai people's life are increasingly improved. Improve ()
Brazilian football is considered to be one of the best football team in the world. Don't often have a bad day ()
These newspapers and magazines do not take out of the reading room. (take)
The words in brackets, such as online!!!! Thank you!

My class is made up of 45 students,among which are 30boys.
The people`life of Shanghai are improving with the economics development.
The Brail football is regarded as the one of the best football teams in the world.
These newspapers and maganizes can not be taken out of the reading room.

Our class is made up of 45 students,30 of whom are boys.(Be made up of)
With the economic development,the people's lives are improving in Shanghai.(Improve)
Brazilian football team is regarded as one of the world's best teams.(Regard)
These newspapers and magazines can not be taken out of the reading-room.(Take)