根据中文填写句中所缺词组,每空一词,缩写算一词1早一点上学吧.Go to school____ ——earlier2.今天我有很多作业要做.I have ___ ___ __homework to do today.3.这里的人对我们很友好.the people here____ ____ ____us


根据中文填写句中所缺词组,每空一词,缩写算一词1早一点上学吧.Go to school____ ——earlier
2.今天我有很多作业要做.I have ___ ___ __homework to do today.3.这里的人对我们很友好.the people here____ ____ ____us

i have a lot of homework to do today
the people here are friendly to us

1 a little
2 a lot of
3 are friendly to

1早一点上学吧.Go to school__a__ —little—earlier
2.今天我有很多作业要做.I have _a__ __lot_ _of_homework to do today.
3.这里的人对我们很友好.the people here___are_ __friendly__ _to___us