如何理解advertisting Strategy begins with information,with background research...这句话如何理解Strategy begins with information,with background research,and with as much intelligence about the situation as possible.这句话的含义?不是翻译 是以英文给出这句话的含义 如何理解的之类的


如何理解advertisting Strategy begins with information,with background research...这句话
如何理解Strategy begins with information,with background research,and with as much intelligence about the situation as possible.这句话的含义?
不是翻译 是以英文给出这句话的含义 如何理解的之类的



宣传(广告)策略是以搜集信息为开端的.要充分研究背景,而且要尽可能的充分了解情况(情境) 用英语解释啊.advertisting Strategy is based on information.you should study its background and try to fully under...