帮忙看看英语句子做的对不对She______(得到如此好的一个角色)that she made up her mind to make the best use of it.(so)我的答案got a role so great翻译:在门外站着一个连戴面具的高个子Out of the door stood a tall man who wear a mask on his face.(这里我不请who后面的wear加不加S和用什么时态)


She______(得到如此好的一个角色)that she made up her mind to make the best use of it.(so)
我的答案got a role so great
Out of the door stood a tall man who wear a mask on his face.

she got so great a role、
直接用a tall man with a mask on his face 、就不存在时态问题了

got a so great role 应该是这样。great 形容 role,so是副词,修饰great。
第二句,应该用there be句型。
There is a man stand out of the door wearing a mask on his face.普通语序
Out of the door there is a man with a mask on his face.强调语序
Out of the door there is a man who wears a mask on his face.强调语序加从句。如果要用从句,那么who后面用的词格和主语一致,所以要加s。用一般现在时即可。

第二题从句时态应和主句一致,所以应为:who wore a mask...