英语翻译One year,through a series of unhappy events,it(指美国梦)all fell apart.I found myself homeless and alone.I had my truck and $ 56.I searched the countryside for some place I could rent for the cheapest 【possible amount】.I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road over the Potomac River in West Virginia.重点解释【】里中的possible amount如何翻译?然后标准翻译这个句子.如果解释的不好或者翻译的不好,请不要作答,


One year,through a series of unhappy events,it(指美国梦)all fell apart.I found myself homeless and alone.I had my truck and $ 56.I searched the countryside for some place I could rent for the cheapest 【possible amount】.I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road over the Potomac River in West Virginia.
重点解释【】里中的possible amount如何翻译?然后标准翻译这个句子.


cheapest possible:尽可能便宜的
amount:就是money amount,钱数,租金数