The American Cancer Society says blood pressure returns to normal twenty minutes after the last cigarette.The chance of heart attack decreases after one day.After one year,the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half that of a smoker.请说说heart attack 和 heart disease的区别


The American Cancer Society says blood pressure returns to normal twenty minutes after the last cigarette.The chance of heart attack decreases after one day.After one year,the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half that of a smoker.
请说说heart attack 和 heart disease的区别

heart attack 是心脏病发作
heart disease 是患心脏病

heart disease 概指心脏疾病
heart attack 指 心脏病发作

heart disease 心脏病
heart attack心脏病发作
根本上没太大区别,硬要说的话heart attack更强调发作的状态