英语翻译要翻译软体 google,yahooo 等任何翻译的我要看得懂得英文 文法要对以下:在我的生活中 我有很多不同的个人传统 (personal culture)给第一个例子 ,我是基督徒 ,每个星期天 ,我都会和我的家人去教会 ,敬拜上帝和祷告.我喜欢圣诞节和复活节 因为这两个都是和基督教相关的节日圣诞节时 我喜欢收到朋友们的礼物 也喜欢送礼物给朋友们 复活节时 我都和家人 去教会 庆祝复活节 感谢主耶稣为我们复活在我的生活中,基督教是非常重要的,每天吃晚饭前 我和我的家人都会祷告第二个例子 ,我的个人价值观是不吸菸,不喝酒,不刺青,这三点 在我的生命里是非常重要的.从小我妈妈就告诉我 吸菸和喝酒是不好的行为 危害身体健康,刺青则是不端庄 又伤害人体的皮肤 ,坏女孩才会刺青 等等的这些价值观有时候 我和我妹妹 闻到菸味 就马上离开 ,因为闻起来真的很不舒服 会想呕吐.我想 刺青,喝酒,吸菸 这三点是永远都不会出现在在我生命里第三个例子 ,在我的生命中 ,我的个人价值观是 我是亚洲人 我移民到


要翻译软体 google,yahooo 等任何翻译的
我要看得懂得英文 文法要对
在我的生活中 我有很多不同的个人传统 (personal culture)
给第一个例子 ,我是基督徒 ,每个星期天 ,我都会和我的家人去教会 ,敬拜上帝和祷告.我喜欢圣诞节和复活节 因为这两个都是和基督教相关的节日
圣诞节时 我喜欢收到朋友们的礼物 也喜欢送礼物给朋友们
复活节时 我都和家人 去教会 庆祝复活节 感谢主耶稣为我们复活
在我的生活中,基督教是非常重要的,每天吃晚饭前 我和我的家人都会祷告
第二个例子 ,我的个人价值观是不吸菸,不喝酒,不刺青,这三点 在我的生命里是非常重要的.从小我妈妈就告诉我 吸菸和喝酒是不好的行为 危害身体健康,
刺青则是不端庄 又伤害人体的皮肤 ,坏女孩才会刺青 等等的这些价值观
有时候 我和我妹妹 闻到菸味 就马上离开 ,因为闻起来真的很不舒服 会想呕吐.我想 刺青,喝酒,吸菸 这三点是永远都不会出现在在我生命里
第三个例子 ,在我的生命中 ,我的个人价值观是 我是亚洲人 我移民到
加拿大,但那并不代表 我就是加拿大人 ,我依旧保有我自己国家的习俗和传统
不一定要追随不同国家的习俗和传统 ,例如蒙特娄的语言是法文和英文,这两个主要语言 ,我每天在这个城市里都是用这两个语言和大家讲话,沟通 ,但那并不代表我就不能说自己的母语,和自己相同国家的人讲话,沟通 ,保有自己国家的语言是很重要的

In my life,I have several different personal culture.
For the first example,I am a christian.
Every sunday,I will go to church,serve God and pray.
I like Chrismas and Easter,for both of them are related to the Christianity.
On christmas,I like receive presents from my friends and also like give presents to them.
On Easter,I will go church with my family and thank god for our renascence.
In my life,Christianity is very important.
Every day before dinner,my family and I will pray.
For the second example,my personal values is no smoking,no drinking and no tatoo
Those three points is quite important.
Since I was young,my mother told me that smoking and drinking is bad manner which bad for health.
Tatoo is not civility and also hurt people's body.
There are some views,such as bad girls will have a tatoo,and so on.
Sometimes,my sister and I will leave away when we smell of the smokey because it smells really uncomfortable,just make me vomit.
I think,smoking,drinking and tatoo,those three point will never appear in my life.
For the third example,in my life,my personal view is I am an Asian.I immgrate to Canada which doesn't means I am a Canandian.
I still remain my country's custom and tradition.
It's unnecessary to follow different country's traditional custom,such as montreal speaks French and English.I use these two language to communicate in this city,but that doesn't mean I cannot speak my mother tongue and speak to my own country's people.Remaining the language of my country is quite important.

In my life that I have a lot of different personal traditional (personal culture)
To the first example I is Christian, every Sunday, I will go with my family to go to church and worship god and pray. I like Christmas and Easter because the two are related festival and Christian
I like to receive Christmas presents also like friends gifts to friends
I have and family at Easter to church celebrates Easter thank the Lord Jesus raised for us
In my life, Christianity is very important, every day before I eat dinner my family and I will pray
The second example, my personal values are not smoking, don't drink, tattoos, these three points in my life is very important. As a boy, my mother would tell me smoking and drinking are bad behavior, health hazard
Tattoos are not dignified and hurt human skin, bad girl will tattoos of these values, etc
Sometimes I and my sister smell smoke flavour will leave, because it smells really uncomfortable. I think will want to vomit tattoo, drinking, smoking these three are never appear in in my life
The third example, in my life, my personal values is I am Asian I had emigrated to
Canada, but that doesn't mean I'm Canadian, I still keep my own country's customs and traditions
Not necessarily follow the customs and traditions from different countries, such as Montreal language is French and English, the two main language every day, I was in the city with the two languages and everybody talk, communication, but that doesn't mean I can not speak his native language, and his speech, the same countries who maintain their countries communication and language is very important
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In my life, I have many different personal culture.
To the first example,I am a Christian,every Sunday,I would go to church with my family,worship God and pray.I like Christmas and Easter,because both of them are related to the festival and the Christian .In Christmas,I like to receive the gift of friends,also like to give gifts to friends.In Easter, I went to church with my family to celebrate it and thanked the Lord Jesus as our risen.In my life, Christianity is very important.I will pray with my family before dinner everyday.
To the second example,my personal values are non-smoking, no drinking, no tattoos.These three points are very important in my life.At early age my mother told me that smoking and drinking are bad behavior to health, Tattoo is not dignified and also damage to human skin.Bad girl be thinked have tattoos,these values, etc. Sometimes,I and my sister always leave immediately when smelled smoke,because the smell really uncomfortable and will want to vomit.I think tattoos, drinking, smoking ,these three points are never in my life .
To the third example,in my life,my personal values are ,I am an Asian,I immigrated to
Canada.But that does not mean I am a Canadian,I still maintain my own country's customs and traditions .I think it is unnecessary to follow the customs and traditions of different countries.For example, Montreal's language is French and English,the two main language,I have been spoken and communicated with the people in this city everyday with these two language.But that does not mean I can not say my mother tongue,and to talk and communicate with someone in the same country, retain our own language is very important.
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In my life, I have many different personal cultures.
Here gives the first example. I am a Christian, every Sunday I go to church with my family members, worshiping god and preying. I like Christmas and Easter because both are Christian relevant festivals. During Christmas I would like to receive gifts from friends and also like to give gifts to friends. During Easter festival my family and I go to church to celebrate Easter, thanking the reviving of Lord Jesus Christ.
In my life, Christian is very important. My family and I prey before every supper.
The second example, my personal value ideas are no smoking, no alcohol, no tattoos. These are very important in my life. From my childhood my mom told me the following value ideas that smoking and drinking (alcohol) were bad behaviors and would damage health and for tattoos, it was undignified and would damage the skin, only bad girls would have tattoos.
Sometimes as soon as my sister and I smell of cigarettes we would leave immediately because it really made us very uncomfortable and we felt of vomiting. Therefore I believe that tattoos, drinking and smoking would never happen to me in my entire life.
The third example, my personal value idea of my life is that I am an Asian. I migrate to Canada, but it does not represent that I am a Canadian. I still keep the customs and traditions of my own country and I don’t have to follow the customs and traditions of other nations. For example, the official languages of Montréal are French and English. Everyday I use these languages to speak and communicate with others, but it does not represent I can not speak my mother tongue. It is very import to keep using the language of our own country when I speak and communicate with my fellow countrymen.

In my life,i have alot of different personal colutre.Fristly,i'm a Christian,on every sunday,i would go to the church with my family,workship and pray to God.I love Christmas and Easter,because they b...

In my life, I have many different personal cultures.
Here gives the first example. I am a Christian, every Sunday I go to church with my family members, worshiping god and preying. I like Christmas and Easter because both are Christian relevant festivals. During Christmas I would like to receive gifts from friends and also like to give gifts to friends. During Easter festival my family and I go to church to celebrate Easter, thanking the reviving of Lord Jesus Christ.
In my life, Christian is very important. My family and I prey before every supper.
The second example, my personal value ideas are no smoking, no alcohol, no tattoos. These are very important in my life. From my childhood my mom told me the following value ideas that smoking and drinking (alcohol) were bad behaviors and would damage health and for tattoos, it was undignified and would damage the skin, only bad girls would have tattoos.
Sometimes as soon as my sister and I smell of cigarettes we would leave immediately because it really made us very uncomfortable and we felt of vomiting. Therefore I believe that tattoos, drinking and smoking would never happen to me in my entire life.
The third example, my personal value idea of my life is that I am an Asian. I migrate to Canada, but it does not represent that I am a Canadian. I still keep the customs and traditions of my own country and I don’t have to follow the customs and traditions of other nations. For example, the official languages of Montréal are French and English. Everyday I use these languages to speak and communicate with others, but it does not represent I can not speak my mother tongue. It is very import to keep using the language of our own country when I speak and communicate with my fellow countrymen.