急!一道初三英语题目句子转换:Jim left Chongqing 3 days ago because of his new work.(改为同义句) Jim has___ ___from Chongqing for 3 days,because of his new work.横线上填started off对吗?若不正确,请说明原因.谢谢各位!


句子转换:Jim left Chongqing 3 days ago because of his new work.(改为同义句)
Jim has___ ___from Chongqing for 3 days,because of his new work.
横线上填started off对吗?若不正确,请说明原因.

has been away from Chongqing
away from 是离开 的意思
started off+from 是不正确的语法