英语句子回答是填空的A:These pens are Paul's,aren't they?B:yes,__________.A:These are my sandwiches,aren't they?B:yes,__________.A:These papers belongs to Mr.and Mrs.Jenkins,don't they?  B:yes,__________.


A:These pens are Paul's,aren't they?B:yes,__________.
A:These are my sandwiches,aren't they?B:yes,__________.
A:These papers belongs to Mr.and Mrs.Jenkins,don't they?  B:yes,__________.

A:These pens are Paul's,aren't they? B:yes, they are.
A:These are my sandwiches,aren't they?B:yes, they are.
A:These papers belongs to Mr.and Mrs.Jenkins,don't they? B:yes, they do.
填空解释:由于这三个句子都属于反义疑问句,一般情况下be(am , is, are)动词的话,就还用be(am, is, are)动词回答,如果是其他动词的话,就用do或者does等.