英语翻译随着我国经济社会持续稳定的发展,交通运输也取得了长足进步.集装箱运输是一种现代化运输组织方式.近年来,我国的集装箱运输也有很快发展,已在大连、天律、青岛、上海、广州黄埔等海港建立了集装箱码头,提高了海港的吞吐能力和现代化建设.集装箱运输是对传统的以单件货物进行装卸运输工艺的一次重要革命,是当代世界最先进的运输工艺和运输组织形式,是件杂货运输的发展方向,是交通运输现代化的重要标志.由不起作用集装箱运输自身的特点和优势,使得其迅速得以发展和普及,并进一步促进了多式联运的开展,本文是以这些情况做背景对集装箱支线运输产生的基础和原因,特点与优势,效益,发展情况加以分析.关键词:集装箱支线运输 特点 效益评价


关键词:集装箱支线运输 特点 效益评价

As China's sustained and stable economic and social development, transport, have also made remarkable progress. Container transport is a modernization of the transport organization. . In recent years, China's container transportation has also quickly developed, in Dalian, days of law, Qingdao, Shanghai, Guangzhou Huangpu Harbor and so set up a container terminal, improve the throughput capacity of the harbor and modernization. Container transport is the traditional one-piece loading and unloading cargo transport craft an important revolution in the contemporary world are the most advanced transport technology and transport forms of organization, is a grocery transport direction for the development of transport are an important symbol of modernization. Container transport by the non-functional characteristics and advantages of its own, making its rapid development and popularization and further promoted the development of multimodal transport, this article is to make the background of these cases Extension of container transport and the basic causes, characteristics and advantages of , efficiency, development of analysis.