初中三年生涯即将结束,面对即将来临的暑假你有什么计划和打算吗?根据你的想法写一篇英语作文.要求:字数不少于80个 运用一些词组和短语


要求:字数不少于80个 运用一些词组和短语

A learning plan on summer holiday the summer holiday is just around the corner,I want to do a summer’s learning plan .it is to complete two tasks.one is to refine and grasp the key points and difficulties in all branches .; the other is to gradually transform knowledge into the actual ability to solve problems.First is to reviewEnglish .In vocabulary,Ishouldbegain todeeply master usage on the basis of mastering meaning,especially fixed collocation and habits.Another key is to solve the difficult sentences,grasp various long sentence,and increase the reading quantity,which,on the one hand,can improve reading ability,on the other hand,can consolidate the grammar,vocabulary and sentence structures through reading.On Summerholiday,i must make quite amount of topic special practice to consolidate the knowledge.