英语翻译1.This is morning.Mum and I went to the supermarket by bus.We sat at the back of the bus.Soon the bus stopped and some people got off.The bus started again.Suddenly I saw a CD Walkman under the seat in front of me.2.I asked the man in front of me,‘I sit yours?’‘No,it’s not mine.Perhapes it’s hers.’He pointed to the woman beside him.3.‘Is it yours?’I asked the woman beside the man.’NO,it’s not mine.’


1.This is morning.Mum and I went to the supermarket by bus.We sat at the back of the bus.Soon the bus stopped and some people got off.The bus started again.Suddenly I saw a CD Walkman under the seat in front of me.
2.I asked the man in front of me,‘I sit yours?’‘No,it’s not mine.Perhapes it’s hers.’He pointed to the woman beside him.
3.‘Is it yours?’I asked the woman beside the man.’NO,it’s not mine.’

3。 '是不是你?'我问旁边的男人女人。'不,这不是我的。

1 早上,我和妈妈乘公车去超市.在公车上,我们坐在后座,很快,在车停下的时候,很多人下车了.公车重新开动的时候,我忽然看到在我前面的那个座位下面有一个光碟随身听.2我叫了叫我前面的那个人,我问他那是不是他的,那个人...