Practically all the operations that are carried out by the chemical engineer involve the production or absorption of energy in the form of heat.The laws governing the transfer of heat and the type of apparatus that have for their main object the control of heat flow are therefore of importance. When two objects at different temperatures are brought into thermal contact,heat flows from the object at the highet temperatuer to that at the lower temperat


Practically all the operations that are carried out by the chemical engineer involve the production or absorption of energy in the form of heat.The laws governing the transfer of heat and the type of apparatus that have for their main object the control of heat flow are therefore of importance.
When two objects at different temperatures are brought into thermal contact,heat flows from the object at the highet temperatuer to that at the lower temperature.The net flows is always in the direction of the temperature decrease.The mechanisms by which the heat may flow are three:conduction,convection,and radiation.怎么翻译成中文呢,谁能告诉我,谢谢
