英语翻译Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of change of the city.In 1970,18 percent of the city's population was foreign-born.By 1995,the figure had risen to 33 percent,and another 20 percent were the US-born offsprings of immigrants.So immigrants and their children now form a majority of the city's population.Who are these New Yorkers?Why do they come here?Where are they from?(OK,time to drop the


Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of change of the city.In 1970,18 percent of the city's population was foreign-born.By 1995,the figure had risen to 33 percent,and another 20 percent were the US-born offsprings of immigrants.So immigrants and their children now form a majority of the city's population.
Who are these New Yorkers?Why do they come here?Where are they from?(OK,time to drop the “they”.I’m one of them.) The last question at least is easy to answer:we come from everywhere.In the list of the top 20 source nations of those sending immigrants to New York between 1990 and 1994 are six countries in Asia,five in the Caribbean,four in Latin America,three in Europe ,plus Israel and the former Soviet Union.And when we immigrants get here we roll up our sleeves.“If you're not ready to work when you get to New York,” says a friend of mine,“You'd better hit the road.”
  The mayor of New York once said,“Immigration continues to shape the unique character and drive the economic engine of New York City.” He believes that immigrants are at the heart of what makes New York great.In Europe,by contrast,it is much more common to hear politicians worry about the loss of “unity” that immigration brings to their societies.In the quarter century since 1970,the Untied States admitted about 125 million legal immigrants,and has absorbed them into its social structures with an ease beyond the imagination of other nations.Since these immigrants are purposeful and hard-working,they will help America to make a fresh start in the next century.

近日,美国纽约的计划部门公布了一项报告,该报告显示出纽约的大范围的变化.1970年,纽约人口的18%是外来人口,到1995年,该比例上升至 33 %,另外的20%的人口是外来移民的美籍后代.因此,移民和他们的后代如今构成了纽约城的人口的大部分.
这些外来的纽约人是谁?他们为什么要来?他们从哪里来?(好了,现在让我们停止使用“他们”,因为我也是其中一员.)最后一个问题最好回答.我们来自世界各地.在1990 至1994年间, 向纽约移民人数的排行榜的前十位,其中六个亚洲国家 ,五个加勒比地区国家,四个拉美国家,三个欧洲国家,还包括伊朗和前苏联.当我们这些移民到达纽约的时候,我们卷起了袖子,准备好好拼搏.我的一个朋友告诉我,“如果你不准备在纽约好好工作,就打道回府吧”.