英语翻译It was a brutal,senseless crime,and Toronto Police yesterday offered a $50000 reward for information leading to the arrest of 83-year-old Ann Zeidenberg's killers.“It's time not to sit on your hands any more,”Staff Insp.Jeff McGuire told a news conference yesterday,appealing to anyone who may know the killers or killers' identity to contact police.Fire fighters responding to a call found Zeidenberg's body in her Forest Hill home on the afternoon o


It was a brutal,senseless crime,and Toronto Police yesterday offered a $50000 reward for information leading to the arrest of 83-year-old Ann Zeidenberg's killers.
“It's time not to sit on your hands any more,”Staff Insp.Jeff McGuire told a news conference yesterday,appealing to anyone who may know the killers or killers' identity to contact police.
Fire fighters responding to a call found Zeidenberg's body in her Forest Hill home on the afternoon of March 18.Further investigation made it known that the home had been searched thoroughly before being set ablaze.
A Crime Stoppers reenactment issued yesterday showed two men entering the home,then leaving in what appeared to be an orange and white tow truck.
“I can't tell you if it was exactly like that vehicle,but it was described in that manner to us,”said McGuire.
Police believe more than one individual took part in the robbery,and have had contact with at least one anonymous tipster who wasn't involved in the crime,but has “intimate knowledge of what has occurred,”according to McGuire.
“We are very confident there are people close enough that they did contact us through an anonymous chain,”he added.
Investigators remain tight-lipped about a motive for the crime.McGuire used“investigative reasons”for not outlining what police believe is the motive.

这是一个残酷的,毫无意义的犯罪,和多伦多警方昨日提供了$ 50000奖励提供线索,逮捕了83岁的安Zeidenberg的杀手.