英语达人们,帮帮忙吧(英译汉):Pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns,massing,sunshadeStudies,integration into existing neighborhoods,municipal requirements,zoning bylaws and complex publicconsultation processes - these are some of the variousconstraints an urban designer must balance in conceivinga solution that will best serve a community.Be it a resortarea or the development of a new residential project,urbanarchitecture requires a systematic approach.The pati


Pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns,massing,sunshade
Studies,integration into existing neighborhoods,
municipal requirements,zoning bylaws and complex public
consultation processes - these are some of the various
constraints an urban designer must balance in conceiving
a solution that will best serve a community.Be it a resort
area or the development of a new residential project,urban
architecture requires a systematic approach.The patient
search for elegant solutions to the myriad problems
encountered allows the progression,via a series of evolving
proposals,towards an over-all master plan that satisfies
all of the initial constraints.