求教几个英语的单选,1.This is the area ( ) tthe majority of new housing is being bulit.A which B that C at which D in which 为什么选D?不选C?2.()leaving valuable property in parked cars ,their cars wouldn't be broken into.A Unless people stopped B Imagine C Suppose people didn't D If only people stopped为什么不选C?3.It seems ( ) obvious that street should be safe,but it is also important that they should make us feel proud to be walking in them.A extremly B utterly C perfe


1.This is the area ( ) tthe majority of new housing is being bulit.
A which B that C at which D in which 为什么选D?不选C?
2.()leaving valuable property in parked cars ,their cars wouldn't be broken into.
A Unless people stopped B Imagine C Suppose people didn't D If only people stopped
3.It seems ( ) obvious that street should be safe,but it is also important that they should make us feel proud to be walking in them.
A extremly B utterly C perfectly D apparently 为什么不选别的 特别是D?
4.Good news!Police confirmed that the murder weapon ( )in a nearby lake.
A would be discovered B has since been discovered C had ever discovered D should have been discovered
5.( )before we depart the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A Had they arrived B Would they arrive C Were they arriving D Were they to arrive

1、是固定搭配,只有in the area的说法,没有at the area的用法
2、if only的意思是只要,语义符合。suppose语义也符合但是它不是连词不能连接两个句子。

1,built in the area 固定搭配 2,didn't后面接原型,而stop doing也是固搭配,3,查单词意义,看词义合适不4,好新闻这个语气表示已经确认了已经发生的事情,不能用虚拟语气,结合时态,过去的过去,

1.这句话是定语从句,换成一般语序就是,the majority of new housing is being bulit ( )the area .考的是 in the area这个词组.这个语序用in ,换成定语从句也是一样用in.
2.这句话考的是逻辑和几个“如果”的区别,翻译过来:如果人们不把贵重物品放在停着的车里,他们的车就不会被破窗而入.考的是“如果” ,if only意思就是如果,only用来加强if的语气.suppose是“假设”,和if用法不同,Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow?假设他是对的,我确实明天就会死,那该怎么办?感受一下,意思是不一样的.一个是“如果”,一个是“假设”.
3.第三题考的是语义,翻译过来是:街道应该是安全的,这一点的确是显而易见的;但是让我们走在街上感到自豪也是同样重要的.想突出后面的意思,因此对前面有点否定(讽刺)的感觉,就是“前面这一点是无可挑剔的,很明显的."因此用 perfectly ,【 完美地;理想地;完全地;无瑕疵地】 .D肯定不对,apparently就是明显的意思,和 obvious 语义重复.
5.条件从句可以不用连词if,而将谓语中的过去式were,had或should 等移至主语之前.这里were表示“如果”.如果他们后天在我们出发前就到达,我们就能有一个精彩的晚宴.将来时要用 to do.

1.选D的原因是因为后面的built,如果你分开这句话,就是the majority of new housing is being bulit in the area。
2.if only 常表示强烈愿望或是遗憾,在里面这件事已经发生了,Suppose是假设,表明事情未发生,与题目中题意不符,详细你可以看看if only的用法
3.这个我只是个人意见,apparently本来就是副词形式的显而易见,用来修饰obvious,不合理,用perfectly 来修饰,相当于totally
I.f +主语+should do ,主语+would do
2.If +主语+were to do ,主语+would do
3.If +主语+过去式,主语+would do