英语翻译nearly midnight in the big city,but the big city is not asleep.The sidewalks are crowded with people.Some are leaving a movie,a play,or a concert.Some are waiting for buses and taxis.The restaurants are filled with people.The hotels are full of tourists and businessmen who have come from all over the world.Many people such as reporters,nurses,and firemen work at night in the big city.Bright lights are shining from the windows of the tall buildings


nearly midnight in the big city,but the big city is not asleep.The sidewalks are crowded with people.Some are leaving a movie,a play,or a concert.Some are waiting for buses and taxis.The restaurants are filled with people.The hotels are full of tourists and businessmen who have come from all over the world.Many people such as reporters,nurses,and firemen work at night in the big city.Bright lights are shining from the windows of the tall buildings.The streets are noisy and crowded with traffic.Taxis are taking tired people from the airport and railroad stations to the hotels.Trucks are bringing fresh fruit and vegetables into the city.Soon it will be morning in the big city.By eight clocks,the streets are again filled with people.Millions of people live in the big city.And millions of people who work in the big city live in the surrounding suburbs.Now the working people who live in the suburbs,the commuters,are hurrying out of railroad stations,subways,buses,and cars.The people who live in the city are hurrying out of apartment houses.Everyone is in a hurry.The noise of traffic grows louder and louder.The streets are filled with buses and cars.Six clock.Again it is evening.Most of the offices have closed.Stores and shops are locked.The commuters have gone home to their families in the suburbs.The people who live in the city have returned to their apartments.Day and night you can find people working and playing in the city.The big city never sleeps.