懂英文的大哥大姐们 请进不得不要求别人做什么事的时候,说得非常客气,诸如:"I know the trouble I am causing you,but would you mind." 或 "I don't really like to ask you,but."等等.还有:My home is my castle.The wind can come in,but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission.这两段英文什么意识


懂英文的大哥大姐们 请进
不得不要求别人做什么事的时候,说得非常客气,诸如:"I know the trouble I am causing you,but would you mind." 或 "I don't really like to ask you,but."等等.
还有:My home is my castle.The wind can come in,but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission.这两段英文什么意识

我知道麻烦我造成你,但你会介意。 。 。 ? “或”我真的不想请问您,但……
