英语书面表达 你的学校校园环境优美,教师经验丰富,教室宽敞明亮,教学设备先进,图书馆有大量藏书.你对这一切都很满意.但是,学校要求住校生早晨5.30起床锻炼,同学们对此议论纷纷,请你给校长写英文邮件阐述你赞成或反对的理由.100词左右.要自己写的吖.语法别错太多就行了.



Beautiful campus environment, experienced teachers, bright and spacious classrooms, teaching advanced equipment, a large number of library books. But I think the boarders to get up at 5:30 the morning exercise a little unreasonable. We need to spend a lot of time at night doing their homework and review the knowledge teachers have said, is basically very little sleep each day, although the morning exercise is a good thing, but the morning to get up at 5:30 to exercise, it will make us sleep even less, so that lessons can not be serious lectures. So, I hope you will consider it seriously principal problem. I wish you good health.