请问1.It is high time that we _.选started还是should have satrted?2.The doctor thinks the patient will _now.Her temperature has gone down.选pull through还是pull out?3,Ted had told me that he always escapes being fined as he got very fast sports car.4,If only the rain _soon.选would还是will stop 5.It is I _am to blame.选that还是whom?为什么?请问1.It is high time that we _.选started还是should have satrted?2.The doctor thinks the patient will _now.Her temperature has gone down.选


请问1.It is high time that we _.选started还是should have satrted?2.The doctor thinks the patient will _now.Her temperature has gone down.选pull through还是pull out?3,Ted had told me that he always escapes being fined as he got very fast sports car.4,If only the rain _soon.选would还是will stop 5.It is I _am to blame.选that还是whom?为什么?
请问1.It is high time that we _.选started还是should have satrted?2.The doctor thinks the patient will _now.Her temperature has gone down.选pull through还是pull out?3,Ted had told me that he always escapes being fined as he got very fast sports car.If only the rain _soon.选would stop 还是will stop 5.It is I _am to blame.选that还是whom?为什么?并且能告诉我以上问题为什么选那一项吗?

2.pull out
4.will stop

1 should have satrted
2 pull out
3 ted告诉我他自从买了跑车后就总是自我感觉良好的到处开
4 will stop
5 whom

2.pull out
3.Ted 告诉过我他弄到辆速度很快的跑车所以总是逃脱被开罚单
4.will stop
5whom to be blame加宾语