英语翻译炒大白菜 原料:净大白菜500克,油20克,酱油50克,精盐5克,姜丝3克.制法:1.将白菜洗净,控干水分.顺长切成1.5厘米宽的条.再改刀切成3厘米长的段,把姜洗净,切成细丝.2.将炒锅置于火口,放入油,热后,下入姜丝略炸,随即投入白菜,用旺火炒至半熟,加入酱油、精盐略炒即可食用.



Fry cabbage
Ingredients: rinse cabbage 500 grams, oil 20 grams, refined salt, soy sauce 50 grams of 5 grams, shredded ginger 3 grams.
The cabbage, rinse. Drain. Cut along the length of 1.5 centimeters wide. Then changed into 3 cm long sword, wash, cut the ginger into threadlike thing. 2 will be placed in oil, fry pan crater, after the heat, fry, then put shredded ginger slightly, fry with cabbage wood-pile medium, add salt, soy sauce, stir-fry serve.

Fried cabbage Raw materials:Net cabbage 500 grams,20 grams of oil,soy sauce 50 grams,salt 5 grams,3 grams ginger.Method:1.To cabbage washed control moisture do.Shun Cheung cut 1.5 centimeters wide art...