the opinion is less likely to be that a particular horse look like a certain winner than that a ...the opinion is less likely to be that a particular horse look like a certain winner than that a certain type of race is liable to have either a very formful or a very chaotic result.的中文翻译
the opinion is less likely to be that a particular horse look like a certain winner than that a ...
the opinion is less likely to be that a particular horse look like a certain winner than that a certain type of race is liable to have either a very formful or a very chaotic result.的中文翻译
一马当先 一身正气 万夫不当 无所畏惧
气冲牛斗 气冲霄汉 气壮山河 气宇轩昂
气吞山河 正气凛然 挺身而出 战