几道定语从句选择题1.The CCTV tower,___base is an electrial equipment shop,is requently visited by travelers.A.which B.whose C.its D.that2.It's a family of five,___are addicted to Internet.A.all of them B.all of whom C.which D.those3.---What would you do?---I'd get a job doing something exciting,___I could meet interesting people and travel a lot.A.where B.which C.when D.that 4.In the office I neber seem to have time until 5:30 p.m.,___many people have got home


1.The CCTV tower,___base is an electrial equipment shop,is requently visited by travelers.
A.which B.whose C.its D.that
2.It's a family of five,___are addicted to Internet.
A.all of them B.all of whom C.which D.those
3.---What would you do?
---I'd get a job doing something exciting,___I could meet interesting people and travel a lot.
A.where B.which C.when D.that
4.In the office I neber seem to have time until 5:30 p.m.,___many people have got home.
A.whose B.where C.on which D.by which
2.B(从句不是缺主语吗,为什么还用all of whom?)

1.这边用whose.whose base= the base of which= of which the base2.首先你要注意这是一句非限,所以肯定会排除掉A跟D,再者,指人排除掉C.为什么用B.那是因为是all of 后面.介词后面当然是用宾格啦.如果没有all of,那...