3道英语语法Who do you suggest be sent to work there?请问为什么不是Who do you suggest that should be sent to work there?I hope the reform being carried out in our country ar present will bring about the desired results.请问这里是results为什么不用_ing形式而用_ed形式 Dr Bush was selected president of the United States,a position his father had held for 4 years.请问这句话中selected和president之间为什么不用+as.


Who do you suggest be sent to work there?
请问为什么不是Who do you suggest that should be sent to work there?
I hope the reform being carried out in our country ar present will bring about the desired results.
Dr Bush was selected president of the United States,a position his father had held for 4 years.

第一句话陈述语序为:I suggest sb (should) be sent to1 work there .suggest加句子是要用 should 加动原,这里 should 可不要 ,疑问句句吧who提前即可.第二句result是名词 结果的意思,所以加s
至于第三句为select的动词用法 可以不要as
最后我想对你说 你可以加点悬赏分吗 我就是想来找分得 的 回答了一半才发现你没给分啊 郁闷