帮我看看这段英文有什么错误吧 原文:x和她的朋友看起来都非常开心在校友会上.我很羡慕他们,同时也怀念自己过去的同学.他们都是我的朋友,曾经给与我许多的帮助.我会永远记得他们.有空的时候,我们也会快乐地再度相聚.我的翻译:x and her friends all looks very happy at the homecoming.I admire them very much,at the same time,I miss my past classmates.They are all my good friends and very helpful for me.I will remenber them forever.In free time,we can also have a homecoming together happly.


我的翻译:x and her friends all looks very happy at the homecoming.I admire them very much,at the same time,I miss my past classmates.They are all my good friends and very helpful for me.I will remenber them forever.In free time,we can also have a homecoming together happly.

因为是两个人以上所以是LOOK而不是LOOKS,最好把very much改成a lot比较顺。

那个应该是On free time,吧!

X and her friends all look very happy at the alumni(校友会).I admire them very much and miss my past classmates at the same time.They are ll my friends and give me lots of help.I will remember them forever.We well get together again happily when it's free.
你的问题是从句都放主句前面了,比如at the same time,有空的时候,这些要放到句末.

x and her friends all looked very happy at the homecoming.I admire them very much, but at the same time,I miss my old classmates.They are all my good friends and have been very helpful to me. I will remenber them forever. In our free time, we can still have a homecoming together happily.