英语翻译1.你想和我们一起去参加她的婚礼吗 (would)2.-我怎样才能减肥呢-多运动少吃东西(lose weight)3.火车十点钟到站,我们的时间不多了,所以必须现在就动身(set off )


1.你想和我们一起去参加她的婚礼吗 (would)
-多运动少吃东西(lose weight)
3.火车十点钟到站,我们的时间不多了,所以必须现在就动身(set off )

1. Would you attend her wedding together with me?
2. -How could I lose weight?
-Exercise more and eat less.
3. The train is arriving at 10 clock. We have to set off right now since there is only little time left.

1,Would you like to join the wedding together with us?
2,How could I lose weight?
_ More exercise,less food.
3,The train arrives at 10,so we got to set off for little time left.

Would you like to attend her wedding with us?How could I lose weight?Excercise more and eat less food.The train will pull in at 10 o'clock.There is much time left for us so we have to set off now.

1Would you like to go to her wedding with us ?