Dave Sharpe is the founder of Pets2Vets.He had a terrifying experience serving in the United


Dave Sharpe is the founder of Pets2Vets.He had a terrifying experience serving in the United
States Air Force in Saudi Arabia and suffered PTSD in silence for years after.His friends and
family noticed the change in him.He had trouble controlling his anger.His easy going
personality disappeared.He would have terrible experiences at night.He would wake up
scared or angry and get out of bed.He would start hitting and kicking the walls or furniture.
But then he got a puppy,Cheyenne.He had to take care of her.He says he woke up in the
middle of the night as usual.He felt angry.He started hitting and kicking the refrigerator.
DAVE SHARPE:"And then I turn around and I see this little puppy dog looking up at me,
wagging her tail,and uh,everything just left.I got calm.So I picked herup and I took her to
the couch and I just started talking to her about what happened.Playing it in my head.Did I
do enough,or did I not do enough?Should I have shot the guy?只能给到这,
what kind of change idi dave's friends and family notice in him?
dave didn't have to look after cheyenne,did he?
according to dave,how did he get calm?
why did dave get the idea of establishing Pets2Vets?
what does "even bigger things" in paragraph 6 probalbly mean?
PetsVets aims at helping pets only,doesn't it?

1)He had trouble controlling his anger.2)Yes,he did.3) He turn around and see this little puppy dog looking up at him,wagging her tail,and uh,everything just left.4) He had a terrifying experience s...