The things I like to do 作文如题 明天就要交作文了~大概60字左右~帮个忙拉!


The things I like to do 作文
如题 明天就要交作文了~大概60字左右~帮个忙拉!

I like play football.Sush more boy I like sport,especially football.I like it when I first time contacy football.At that time I don't kown fottball is what .but It is becomes my best friend quickly.I like it all along。because it good for my healthy and psychology.

The thing I like to do is chat with my fridents,because I can share all my happiness an sadness with them,so do they.Sometimes we may tell a joke and laugh together and sometimes we may heard one's sorrow thing and we encourage him together.

The first thing I like to do is to be a doctor,as it can help other people away from the torture of illness.
The second thing I like to do is to be an actor,in that way ,I can experience various life ,it must be amazing!
The third thing I like to do is earning a large sum of money so that I can lead a comfortable life!