英语翻译第一句:Just so everyone out there is aware,there is still some time to jump on the Anthony Randolph bandwagon before it as overcrowded as the Queens-Manhattan express "E" train during rush hour.There is no doubt in my mind that Ant Rand will be a huge MSG crowd favorite by Thanksgiving第二句:Walsh may not have hit a grand slam this summer,but he certainly hit a homer (Amar'e) and an clutch double (Felton),and followed that up with a solid single (Mason


第一句:Just so everyone out there is aware,there is still some time to jump on the Anthony Randolph bandwagon before it as overcrowded as the Queens-Manhattan express "E" train during rush hour.There is no doubt in my mind that Ant Rand will be a huge MSG crowd favorite by Thanksgiving
第二句:Walsh may not have hit a grand slam this summer,but he certainly hit a homer (Amar'e) and an clutch double (Felton),and followed that up with a solid single (Mason Jr.) and took another swing for the fences (Mozgov

就这样,每个人都是意识到,还有一些时间来跳上了安东尼•伦道夫浪潮之前Queens-Manhattan过于拥挤的表达" E "火车在交通高峰期。毫无疑问在我心中,蚂蚁兰特将是一个巨大的味精人群喜爱由感恩节

就这样,每个人都是意识到,还有一些时间来跳上了安东尼?伦道夫浪潮之前Queens-Manhattan过于拥挤的表达" E "火车在交通高峰期。毫无疑问在我心中,蚂蚁兰特将是一个巨大的味精人群喜爱由感恩节

1.就是想让大家都知道,在粉丝们多的像上下班时间的皇后区-曼哈顿“E" 线快车那么拥挤以前,现在还有些时间成为安东尼.鲁道夫的铁杆粉丝.对于我来说,安东尼.鲁道夫在感恩节成为麦迪逊花园广场上广大听众的最喜爱的歌手是毫无疑问的.
2.尽管今年夏天威尔士没有打个大满贯,但他毫无疑问地打了个本垒 (阿玛雷),一个关键的双垒 (费尔顿),接着一个扎扎实实地单垒 (小梅森)和另外一个本垒打(Mozgov