讲解两道英语单选Ever since picasso painting went on exhibit,there__large crowds at the musemevery day.1.is B has been C.have been D are逗号后面的句子在整个句子中作什么成分?还有这个是主谓一直是吧,have been 如果放到句子中表什么意思?2.____in the trafiic accident that she had to be sent to the hospital.A So seriously Rosa was injured B So seriously injured was RosaC So injured seriously was Rosa D So seriously injured Rosa was.这个是考so...that..引导的结果状语从句么?该题涉及哪些知识内容


Ever since picasso painting went on exhibit,there__large crowds at the musem
every day.
1.is B has been C.have been D are
还有这个是主谓一直是吧,have been 如果放到句子中表什么意思?
2.____in the trafiic accident that she had to be sent to the hospital.
A So seriously Rosa was injured B So seriously injured was Rosa
C So injured seriously was Rosa D So seriously injured Rosa was.

c since引导的时间状语从句 主句用现在完成时 从句用过去时
a so+adj ...that 如此一致,这里是so前置,表强调

1. c 逗号后面的是主句,前面的是时间状语从句.这里使用have been 是因为后面的crowds是复数.
2. 这题考的是倒装句.答案是b