英语翻译在各种生命中,唯有安静是最具有影响力的.阳光静静地普照大地,人的耳朵听不见任何声响,但是它却带给人无限的祝福.地球的引力也是沉默无声的,它没有机器的嘎嘎声,铁链的铿锵声,也没有引擎轰隆的噪音,然而它却操纵着宇宙的星球案一定的轨道运行不已.夜晚,露水悄然而降,润湿每一株小草,每一片树叶,每一朵花瓣,使他们焕然一新.电的本源不是轰鸣的响雷,而是无声的闪电.大自然的奥秘隐含在安静之中,巨大的力量常常在无息中运转.自然界的奇迹都在静谧中酝酿,宇宙的巨轮在无声中运行.我们处在这个喧嚣的时代,如果想保持纯净,每天也要有一段孤独的安静时刻.这是汉语翻译过来之后 找不到的话就翻译成英语也行


这是汉语翻译过来之后 找不到的话就翻译成英语也行

In life, only quiet is the most influential. Sun shine, who quietly ears to hear but do not hear any sound, but it brings infinite wishes. The earth's gravity is silent, and it has no machine rasp, chains, nor the sound of thunder engine noise, however it is running the planet in the universe must orbit. At night, and drop dew, wetting each plant grass, every leaf, each flower petals, make them look brand-new. The origin of electricity, but not roaring thunder lightning silently. The mysteries of nature, hidden in quiet great power in no. Often
The miracle of nature in silence, the wheel in silent in the universe. We are the uproarious times, if you want to keep clean every day, also want to have a quiet moment alone.

In life,only quiet is the most influential.Sun shine,who quietly ears to hear but do not hear any sound,but it brings infinite wishes.The earth's gravity is silent,and it has no machine rasp,chains,no...