Why does there exit such phenomenon 这句话表达有没有问题?另外请帮忙把这句话翻译为英文“为什么在当今中国,这种现象是如此的普遍?”


Why does there exit such phenomenon

你们是 Chinglish Major 毕业的吧
你好点看看 exit是什么意思!
a door or space through which you can leave a public room, building etc
We made for the nearest exit.an exit doorTwo men were blocking her exit. emergency/fire exit (=a special door used only when there is a fire etc)
[usually singular] when you leave a room or building
They made a quick exit when they saw the police approaching.
a place where vehicles can leave a road such as a motorway, and join another road
Take the next exit for Lynchburg.
[usually singular]when someone stops being involved in a competition or business, especially because they have not been successful
ᅳsynonym departureFrance's early exit from the World Cup
你想写的是exist 吧
to happen or be present in a particular situation or place
The custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries. Opportunities exist for students to gain sponsorship. Stop pretending that the problem doesn't exist. The club will cease to exist if financial help is not found.
to be real or alive
Do fairies really exist? Tom acts as if I don't exist at times.
to stay alive, especially in a difficult situation when you do not have enough money, food etc
ᅳsynonym survive
exist on
The hostages existed on bread and water for over five months
老实讲用exist还不如直接用there be 因为这个词表存在时更多强调的是客观存在

应该是why does such phenomenon exit there?
翻译是why are such phenomenon so popular in China today?
用exit的话是why does such phenomenon exit so popularly in China today?

应该是Why does such phenomenon exit?
Why does this phenomenon so pervasively exist nowadays in China?