改为一般疑问句:1.We did a survey of our readers last week 2.Bargain House has the worst quality


改为一般疑问句:1.We did a survey of our readers last week 2.Bargain House has the worst quality

首先,这两句话的 谓语动词 都是 行为动词,因此需要借助 do来提问。
1. Did you do a survey of your readers last week?这里要注意一下:当陈述句中的主语是第一人称时,变成一般疑问句时 主语要变成第二人称。
2. Does Bargain House have the worst quality? 视Bargain House为第三人称单数,故用 does提问。

Did we do a survey of our readers last week? Dose Bargain House have the worst quality?

1.Did you do a survey of our readers last week?
2.Does bargain house have the worst quality?

1.Did you do a survey of our readers last week?
2.Does bargain house have the worst quality?

1.We did a survey of our readers last week
Did you do a survey of our readers last week
2.Bargain House has the worst quality
Does Bargain House have the worst quality?(差点误导你了,不好意思哈)

Did we do a survey of our readers last week ?
Does Bargain House have the worst quality?

Did we do a survey of our readers last week?
Does the bargain house have the worst quality?