


Since China's reform,China's economy obtained significant achievement,accompanied with the rapid development of the economy,China's banking industry quickly strengthened as well.China's banks not only greatly supported China's developing economy,but also played an increasingly important role in the world financial system,and are having great impacts to the world economy.The financial crisis that first started in the Wall street back in 2008 swiped through the world overnight,however,with the only exception of China's banks,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC),China Construction Bank (CCB),and Bank of China (BoC) not only maintained its top three positions with highest value in market capitalization,but also reported record profits.Against the gloomy background of the world economy,did China's bank really become undefeatable without any loopholes?We need to analyze carefully in order to maintain sustainable growth.This article discussed about the current situation and problems faced by China's banking industry in order for them to develop more accurate positioning,have better market reaction,and to grow stronger.As lessons learned from all the countries that were affected by the latest world financial crisis,China's banks need to focus on capturing opportunities to further grow,building own brands,increasing compatibility,and actively supporting China's economical growth and to protect the stability of China's financial market and to promote Chinese banks' overall rankings in the world financial system.