英语翻译Harvard's Jeffrey Sachs,who had an image of trying to out-IMF the IMF when he advocated free-market shock therapy for Eastern Europe in the early 1990's,is now singing a different tune..一楼恰恰漏过了我不会翻译的,二楼则是那里翻译的和我感觉上下文不对应,文章前面是说哈佛的萨克斯教授是IMF当初的盟友,现在则抛弃了IMF,并且对IMF的对亚洲经济危机的对策加以批评.我再把上下文也复制上来.Even some of its old allies appear to have deserted it.Harvard's JeffreySachs,who had an image of trying to out-IMF the IMF when he advocated free-marketshock ther


Harvard's Jeffrey Sachs,who had an image of trying to out-IMF the IMF when he advocated free-market shock therapy for Eastern Europe in the early 1990's,is now singing a different tune.
Even some of its old allies appear to have deserted it.Harvard's Jeffrey
Sachs,who had an image of trying to out-IMF the IMF when he advocated free-market
shock therapy for Eastern Europe in the early 1990's,is now singing a different tune.
Joining Sachs in questioning the Fund's prescriptions for the Asian financial crisis are said
to be key officers of the World Bank,including,reportedly,its chief economist,Joseph

out-是前缀,可以构成动词,是超越,超过的意思(即greater, better, further, longer, etc)