词汇与语法知识(全部是单项选择题,中间空格部分是选答案的,知道的可以做一下,直接回复序号与选项就行了,我英语实在不行.做正确的我会给高分,别忽悠我呦.)练习1.Good care must babies particularly while they are ill.A.take B.take of C.be taken D.be taken of2.is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me.A.That B.This C.It D.What3.His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he .A.had long been expected B.had long expectedC.has long expected D.was long expected3.Please that you won’t make such a mistake.A.m


1.Good care must babies particularly while they are ill.
A.take B.take of C.be taken D.be taken of
2.is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me.
A.That B.This C.It D.What
3.His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he .
A.had long been expected B.had long expected
C.has long expected D.was long expected
3.Please that you won’t make such a mistake.
A.make out B.make in C.make sure D.make up
4.Bill told me that live with his roommates again next year.
A.he’d rather not B.he won’t rather
C.he’ll rather D.he’d rather didn’t
5.,mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A.However late is he B.However he is late
C.However is he late D.However late he is
6.I carry only enough money to make change for a bill.
A.tens-dollar B.ten-dollar C.ten-dollars D.tens-dollars
7.Last summer I took a course on .
A.how to make dresses B.how dresses to make
C.how to be made dresses D.how dresses to be made
8.Don’t be too about things you are not supposed to know.
A.strange B.amusing C.curious D.conscious
9.The water will be further polluted unless some measures .
A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken
10.We have studied English for only one year,we can perform English short play already.
A.for B.and C.yet D.or
11.Early to bed and early to rise a man healthy,wealthy and wise.
A.make B.had made C.makes D.will make
12.Little about his own safety though he was in great danger himself.
A.does he care B.did he care C.he cares D.he cared
13.“Where the recorder?I can’t see it anywhere.”
“I it right here.But now it’s gone.”
A.did you put; have put B.have you put; put
C.had you put; was putting D.were you putting; have put
14.Police officers working on the murder have hundreds of families.
A.asked B.researched C.questioned D.demanded
15.Few of us thought that the problem was worth .
A.discuss B.discussed C.discussing D.to discuss

1-5 DCBCAD(按顺序来的 有2个第三)
6-10 BACBC
11-15 CBBCC