初三句型转换合并成为定语从句..1.Ingrid's cousin is a doctor.We saw him yesterday.2.Some students get 100 in the test.Those students will get a prize.3.There is a woman.The woman 's friend is our neighbour.4.Have you seen the man?He drives a pink sports car.5.Where is the baby?It's parents work with me.6.Do you know the man?His car was stole.7.I feel sorry for the woman.She was sent ti * last week.8.There's a boy.We sent an e-mail to him.9.Do you know the man?H


1.Ingrid's cousin is a doctor.We saw him yesterday.
2.Some students get 100 in the test.Those students will get a prize.
3.There is a woman.The woman 's friend is our neighbour.
4.Have you seen the man?He drives a pink sports car.
5.Where is the baby?It's parents work with me.
6.Do you know the man?His car was stole.
7.I feel sorry for the woman.She was sent ti * last week.
8.There's a boy.We sent an e-mail to him.
9.Do you know the man?His house was broken into this morning.
10.Some parents were on TV last week.They had lost their son.

1.we saw ingrid;s cousin who is a doctor yesterday.2.those students who get 100 in the test will get a prize.3.there's a woman whose friend is our neighbour4.Have you seen the man who drives a pink sp...