As there were not enough chairs in the park,they had to sit on the ___A.ground D field[请问本题为什么选A而不选C?]Happiness _____in her grandafather's eyes every time he hears her voice.A shines B is shone C has shone D was shone[请说明选择理由]The dish is delicious Well,at least it's___the one I cookes yesterdayA as good as Bworse than C as well as D as bad as[本题选择A为什么不选择C]She will leave her homework____the teacher's desk after school todayA from Bto Cfo


As there were not enough chairs in the park,they had to sit on the ___
A.ground D field[请问本题为什么选A而不选C?]
Happiness _____in her grandafather's eyes every time he hears her voice.
A shines B is shone C has shone D was shone[请说明选择理由]
The dish is delicious
Well,at least it's___the one I cookes yesterday
A as good as Bworse than C as well as D as bad as[本题选择A为什么不选择C]
She will leave her homework____the teacher's desk after school today
A from Bto Cfor Don [请说明理由】
I prefer not to eat too much food___is fried,like French fries
A that Bwhat Cit【答案是A为什么不是C】
I bought ___china daily from a street-corner machine this morning
A a page of B a piece of C a copy of D a book of

As there were not enough chairs in the park,they had to sit on the ___
A.ground D field[请问本题为什么选A而不选C?]
A on the ground小范围表示地面用ground,而land更多的是用在表达大范围比方说城市甚至地球等说明文中。
Happiness _____in her grandafather's eyes every time he hears her voice.
A shines B is shone C has shone D was shone[请说明选择理由]
A 陈述一个现象用一般现在时(根据hears知道是现在时)
The dish is delicious !
Well,at least it's___the one I cookes yesterday
A as good as Bworse than C as well as D as bad as[本题选择A为什么不选择C]
A 这里需要一个形容词,而well用作形容词只有一种情况就是形容身体健康的时候,这里显然不是。
She will leave her homework____the teacher's desk after school today
A from Bto Cfor Don [请说明理由】
D leave这里是留下的意思,后面接介宾短语.on teacher's desk留在了老师的桌面上.
I prefer not to eat too much food___is fried,like French fries
A that Bwhat Cit【答案是A为什么不是C】
I bought ___china daily from a street-corner machine this morning
A a page of B a piece of C a copy of D a book of
B china daily 是中国日报。一份中国日报

1. There were not enough chairs in the park,they had to sit on the ___
A.ground D field[请问本题为什么选A而不选C?]
"在地上"一般是说on the ground,而不会说on the land.
land一般是不可数名词, 是陆地的总称,前面一般没有冠词,如on land, by land.
2. Happiness _____in her grandafather's eyes every time he hears her voice.
A shines B is shone C has shone D was shone[请说明选择理由]
答案选A, 因为shine(闪耀,发光)是个不及物动词,没有被动语态,所以排除BD;而本句时态当然是一般现在时(后面有"每一次...的时候"这个时间状语).
3. The dish is delicious !
Well,at least it's___the one I cookes yesterday
A as good as Bworse than C as well as D as bad as[本题选择A为什么不选择C]
系表结构要求it's 后面是形容词而非副词. 而形容词的"好"当然是"good",而不是"well"(副词的"好"). well做形容词时意思是"身体好/健康".
4. She will leave her homework____the teacher's desk after school today.
A from Bto Cfor Don [请说明理由】
选D吧. 此处leave是"遗留"的意思, "把作业留在讲台上"当然是用on了.
5. I prefer not to eat too much food___is fried,like French fries
A that Bwhat Cit【答案是A为什么不是C】
定语从句吗, 当然是用关系代词that代替先行词food做后面定语从句的主语,it没有这种功能.
6. I bought ___china daily from a street-corner machine this morning.
A a page of B a piece of C a copy of D a book of
答案选C. a copy of... 一本....(《中国日报》)

= =
is fried是定food这个词的.
一份报纸应该用 a piece of